Career Foresight Coaching

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What is Feminine Foresight?

You know that feeling of finally being asked on a date by someone you've been crushing on? When you feel elated and shaky nervous all at once? That's the feeling rushing through my veins right now as I hit the 'send' button.

Today I'm announcing Feminine Foresight, a project that's been simmering a good, long time in my mind and soul. It's hearty and packed with vision. I am thrilled to share that vision with you today, and I hope it speaks to you and awakens something deep inside you!

Feminine Foresight is a movement for women and men who believe that women are capable and empowered leaders.

  • It's for the person who wants to see more women leaders in our communities, government, workplaces and churches.
  • It's for the woman who desires to pursue new opportunities - unshackled to doubt and insecurity.
  • It's for the man who's searching for practical and meaningful ways to change the undercurrents of sexism.

Foresight means provident care, or vision to see what will or might happen in the future and taking action to care for it.

I call it Feminine Foresight because I believe in women's natural aptitude and giftings as leaders (foresight being one of those!), and I want to focus on the unique things we bring to the table.

The future I see is one where men and women are equally respected and sought out for their intellect, leadership, compassion and wisdom.

But we're not quite there yet. There's a significant gap between the leadership women are capable of, and what is actually taking place in our communities and workplaces.

I see powerful and charismatic women leaders in every sphere. However, most of the time? Those women are only targeting other women with their message.

If we desire to see true, lasting change, we need to broaden our scope and step into leadership positions where we lead both women and men.

I can't help but wonder, "What are the opportunities we might be ruling ourselves out of because of self-doubt or lack of leadership knowledge?"

Personally, I know there are already enough barriers to overcome as a woman. I'm not willing to add additional ones. What about you?

To act on this, I decided to create Feminine Foresight as an opportunity to dig into gritty questions and share what I find with you. Every couple of weeks, I'll focus on a new question to research and write about. Then, I'll share my findings with you here and in a short video!

Some of the questions I plan on exploring are:

  • What keeps women from leading at their fullest potential?
  • What are the preconceived ideas and motifs of women leaders we need to let go of?
  • How should we address subtle (and overt!) sexism in the workplace to affect lasting change
  • What factors influence whether someone to pursues or denies leadership opportunities?

I made a fun video of myself talking to you about this project, I hope you enjoy it!

I hope that you catch the vision along with me and join me in the adventure of developing leadership prowess.

Please feel free to reply to this email to share your thoughts, and any questions you'd like me to consider! I'd love to hear from you. :)

Warmly, Jennifer Spoelma